Wednesday, May 12, 2004

rerolpxE tenretnI tfosorciM - - Welcome To The World Wide Wholly S#*tYa ya I know I haven't posted anything in a while. My web site has been down for a while due to the fact that the friend that has been hosting it for me has changed jobs and had to move all the sites he was hosting. It is back up now. I have been working and had several things going on as well. I have had a septic tank install on the land that I have north of town. I received bids and oversaw the construction of a new roof on my mother's home. I took a week off of work and took a trip to West Virginia to see some friends. (pics will soon be posted on my site) I also had to be on call for the hotel that I work at for a couple of weeks while my boss made a trip back to the homeland. Hope to blog later. I will be updating my site soon.